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Primary-Low-poly modeling, UV mapping, texturing,high-poly sculpting, rigging, texture baking
Secondary-Level design, game design, animating, lighting,story boarding, render set up
Simon Fraser University-Interactive Arts and Technology - Bachelors of Arts-Fall 2005 to Fall 2009
BCIT-Intro to Game Programming-Fall 2004
Centennial Secondary-Honor Roll student grades 7 to 12-2001 to 2005
FowlSpace-A flash based shooter-platformer with a twisted sense of humor
-Lead Character Artist
-Level Design
-Environmental Artist
Alter-An epic scale flash based puzzle-platormer with a size-manipulation mechanic and a focus on story
-Lead Character Artist
-Level Designer
-Environmental Artist
Ruin-A mod for Unreal Tournament 3, turning it into a 2D brawler set in a futuristic samurai world
-Lead Character Artist
-Level Designer
Croak of Dawn-A 3D short which earned highest mark in class
-Lead Character Artist
Beware of Minotaur-A 3D short which also earned highest mark in class
-Character Artist
Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash
Autodesk Mudbox, Epic Unreal Editor 3, Softimage XSI, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, ActionScript, Cycling ‘74 Max/Msp, Maxon Cinema 4D
Pixelante Game Studios-Artist/Designer-September 2008 - Present
Esso Imperial Oil-Service Attendant-July 2005 - Present
Simon Fraser University-Penny Arcade Expo Booth Representative-September 2009
Fowl Space-Winner of PAX 10, 2010
Ruin-Voted best in class by EA
Beware of Minotaur-Nominated for ELANS by SFU